For Job Seekers

You can register for free by clicking on the “Sign Up” button, filling in your details, and verifying your email.

Yes, job seekers can create a profile, search for jobs, and apply for free.

Once you find a job that interests you, click on the “Apply Now” button and submit your application.

Yes, you can upload your resume, which helps employers find you faster.

If shortlisted, you will receive an email or notification from the employer for further steps.

You can log in to your account and edit your profile details at any time.

Click on “Forgot Password?” on the login page and follow the instructions to reset your password.

For Employers

Employers can create an account, go to the “Post a Job” section, fill in job details, and publish the listing.

AAEFS Group offers both free and premium job posting options. Contact us for pricing details.

Use our advanced filters to search for candidates based on skills, experience, and location.

Yes, once a candidate applies, you can view their details and contact them through our platform.